But I'm helpless: my compulsion to make things has overpowered my fear of being like my mother and having bad taste (which, sadly, are often the same fear). I may be in the process of becoming what I hate. Ever since I was a teenager, other friends with crafty moms and I have frequently discussed when the turning point occurs, and how. Do you wake up one day and randomly think, "Must have mauve calico curtains immediately!" Or is it a slippery slope, one that leads you from thinking a little bit of lace on the edge of the shams would be pretty to displaying stuffed geese in nineteenth-century outfits on your mantle?
Well, now I know: it's apparently a slippery slope. But, I stubbornly insist that the pillow shams I made for my friend Jill last week are not at all mom-like, and that while they may be the first sign that my judgment is devolving, they're still...pretty cool. She thought so, anyway.
Here's the concise version of what I did: Jill and I went fabric shopping at IKEA and (the dreaded) Jo-Ann Fabrics. Jill picked out bright green, turquoise, and eggplant fabrics and contrasting thread. I borrowed several pillows she wanted to cover, designed some patterns, and used my mom's sewing machine to stitch the shams. Then, I found several Art Nouveau designs in a book Jill lent me, sketched them onto cardstock, and turned them into stencils. Finally, I applied fabric paint (no, NOT the puffy kind that victimized me in the early '90s) with a "sponcer" (a sponge for stenciling). Here's the results:

Now, I know what you're thinking: a trip to Jo-Ann fabrics? Fabric paint? STENCILS??? This is dangerous territory. And I agree. But, for the record, I'd like to state that Jill and I made sure to ridicule the soccer moms buying ice cream cone-printed fabric destined for mother-daughter jumpers, and we relived nightmarish puffy-paint experiences while picking out fabric paint just to remind ourselves that this project was SO MUCH different than that.
I insist that I have not yet slipped into style oblivion, which seems to me like the tenth circle of hell. But you be the judge.
I'm going to knit you a sushi toilet paper cozy and tell everyone that you did it yourself.
Um, that's awesome. I'd be proud to take credit for that.
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